Fossil Fuel Non-extraction Commitments in Protected Areas

A strategic proposal for global leadership through NDCs
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Extraction Projects

Explore oil, gas, and coal extraction projects in protected areas

Millions of tonnes of CO2 mitigation for a country's NDCs

The Paris Agreement requires leaving over 80% of proven fossil fuel reserves untouched. The Global Stocktake has shown that additional mitigation is needed to achieve the Paris targets. In this context, keeping fossil carbon in the ground within protected areas represents a remarkable opportunity that not only mitigates CO2 emissions but also protects biodiversity.

Commiting to leave these in the ground serves as an accessible additional mitigation measure that adds millions of tons of avoided CO2 emissions to a country’s NDC.

A simple and quatifiable mitigation measure

The LINGO database contains avoidable CO2 emissions for each protected area identified.
For countries where extraction from protected areas is already prohibited, this represents a low-hanging fruit opportunity by primarily reviewing the CO2 estimate we can provide and including this measure in the country’s next NDC.

The Global Picture

Total extraction sites involved

Protected areas under threat

Countries with fossil fuels in PAs

Billion tonnes of potential CO2

Sustainability Icon

How we can support

Country reports

We create customized reports that take into account the political and economic context of each country. Our reports include details on affected protected areas, involved projects, and which are the best opportunities for mitigation.

Check our latest reports:

Many of these areas are recognized globally for their biodiversity conservation

Amazin sunsets in the Yasuni National Park Ecuador by @joreasonable / Getty Images via Canva Pro

Yasuní National Park (Ecuador)

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve affected by the fossil fuel industry.

The Lost City (Ciudad Perdida) ruins in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia by @Tiago_Fernandez / Getty Images via Canva Pro

Sierra Nevada de Sta. Marta (Colombia)

UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve at risk.

Guanaco in Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile by @DmitryPichugin / Getty Images via Canva Pro

Torres del Paine National Park (Chile)

UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserve in jeopardy.

Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve, part of the Sheikh Zayed Protected Areas Network, home to the second largest population of dugongs in the world @The Environmental Agency - Abu Dhabi

Marawah Marine Reserve (UAE)

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve facing urgent threat.

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